Monthly gifts make a big difference every day!
Make a regular contribution to Middlebury automatically using your credit card. It’s the best way to ensure that your gift—of any size—does the most good for Middlebury.

• $10/month buys 10 lab beakers
• $20/month helps pay for textbooks
• $50/month pays for senior thesis research
• $125/month helps fund a scholarship

Enroll by 10/18 and get free Midd socks as our thank you! Just choose the recurring gift option below

Having Trouble? 

If you have questions or need help related to making a gift, please contact 1-888-910-6987 or email

The Cane Society or Legacy Society 

If you would like information about making a gift through your estate or a gift that generates income, please call (888) 910-1235 or visit