With your help, we will continue educating students to be thoughtful and involved citizens with the skills to make a difference in their professions, their communities, and the world. And, thanks to a generous classmate, we have the Class of 1958 Reunion Challenge, which is all about participation!
If you haven’t made a gift this fiscal year (which began on July 1, 2022), please consider making a gift of any size and moving the Class of 1958 one step closer to its donor participation goal of 58%. If we’re successful in meeting this goal, an additional $6,500 will be added to our class gift in honor of our 65th Reunion!
Having Trouble?
If you have questions or need help related to making a gift, please contact 1-888-910-6987 or email supportmiddlebury@middlebury.edu.
The Cane Society or Legacy Society
If you would like information about making a gift through your estate or a gift that generates income, please call (888) 910-1235 or visit go.middlebury.edu/giftplanning.